- The place was filling rapidly. 这地方很快就挤满了人。
- The place was filled with the scent of flowering azaleas. 这地方满是杜鹃花的香味。
- The place was fixed upon as exhibition grounds. 这个地方已被选定作为展览场所。
- The place was heaving with showbiz types. 这地方一直聚集著一帮娱乐圈里的人士。
- The place was flooded with light. 那地方十分光亮。
- The place was tastefully laid out. 这地方布局得很雅致。
- The place was recently visited by a serious volcanic eruption. 这地方最近发生了一次严重的火山爆发。
- The place was a blazing, raging, roaring, etc inferno. 那地方是一片熊熊的、 滚滚的、 咆哮的 ... 火海。
- The place was overcrowded with tourists. 那个地方挤满了观光客。
- The place was swabbed out and disinfected. 这个地方已经擦洗干净并进行了消毒。
- The place was not very opportune for her grief. 那地方是不大适合她伤心流泪的。
- The place was carried by the assault. 该地受到袭击而被攻陷。
- In those days the place was heavily guarded. 那时这地方有重兵把守。
- The place was badly smashed up in the air-raids. 这地方在空袭中遭到严重破坏。
- The place was buzzing with journalists. 那个地方被记者搞得闹哄哄的。
- There's always a place to park. If all the places are filled, just wait a minute until the next car is stolen. 我们那水质不好,喝水后要刷牙。总会有停车的地方,如果没车位了,请等一下,一会儿就会有车被偷走。
- The basin was filling rapidly. 水盆很快就满了。
- The place was hopping with fleas. 这个地方到处是跳蚤。
- The place was busy with passengers. 那地方行人众多,非常热闹。
- Later, the place was called Ottawa. 渥太华有一条河叫渥太华河。